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Dolphin 2019-2020

Space knowledge organiser: Autumn 1

Space curriculum leaflet: Autumn 1

Welcome back! It has been great to have a full class back! My name is Mr McElhenny and I am the Dolphin Class teacher. We also have Miss Mole and Mrs Jones who are the class teaching assistants. The children have been amazing, coming in and learning all the new class routines. I have enjoyed getting to know my new class and they have all settled in beautifully. We are going to hold a virtual 'meet the teachers', so next week we will let you know when this is online. This will give you advice about reading, homework and other questions normally asked at this time of the year. If you have any questions before then, we can chat before or after school outside the classroom door. Please have a read of our curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser, which has been emailed to you, to find out about our new topic next week. I will put them above this paragraph and send them out on paper.

Dolphin class team.

That is a wrap! What a brilliant but crazy year we have had. It has been a real shame that we didn't have a full year together as a class. Everyone has been amazing and have given myself such happy and positive memories. I know all my year 2 children will go on to be amazing at their new Junior schools. It will be great having my year 1s back as Year 2s in September. Have a safe and brilliant Summer!

Keyworker Art. The children loved creating their abstract art using tape and paint. They all think their art needs to be put into an art musuem, I would have to agree. NOT LONG TO GO!

I have been so proud this week of the children who have come in for our first week back. They have come in and have carried on as normal and have adjusted to the changes we have made in school. Thank you to their parents and carers who have helped support the children with these changes. The current world we live in is very different and for the children to come in as they have has been amazing. WELL DONE DOLPHINS!

I have noticed that since lockdown we, as a class, are not reading as much as we were. Please try and spend ten minutes a night hearing your child read. Reading is a fundamental life skill and the more you read, the easier it becomes.

Dear Dolphin team. I hope everyone is safe and well. I am really missing seeing everybody and teaching the class and I can't wait to see you guys soon. It has been great seeing some learning being done at home. Lexi wrote me a lovely postcard, Emily wrote a super letter, Alisha completed the whole first pack and Oscar created an African pack with lots of different learning. Have a look at the photos below to see what they did. If you have done any learning at home, please send it in or email it in so we can celebrate it together.

On our last day of the Easter term, we held a 'challenges' afternoon. Teachers versus children. The teachers came second, but we all had a brilliant last day!

We would just like to say a big thank you to everyone associated with Eling Infant School and Nursery. These are very tough times but we have had a fantastic week with our classes. Please keep visiting the website for home learning ideas and for any updates. Also, check your emails regularly for important information and daily activities. Thank you for all of your support!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great half term. We have now started our Africa topic and we have had a brilliant hook with Kwame coming in who is from Ghana. The children have done African printing, dancing, drumming and story telling and had a brilliant day. They are now keen to learn more about Africa! Please have a look at some of the photos above.

Spring 2 knowledge organiser: Africa

Spring 2 Curriculum Leaflet: Africa

What a fantastic ending to our topic about bodies. It was a shame we couldn't go for our run but it was great to see so many parents come in to see their learning. This topic has been huge in showing the children how to live a healthy lifestyle. Please keep these values going at home, such as doing exercise together and eating healthily. I hope everyone has a great half term. Please keep reading as much as possible and go over their keywords.

Spring 1 Curriculum Leaflet: Bodies

Spring one Bodies - Knowledge organiser.

I just wanted to say how proud I am of the Dolphins! To perform three times this week was a huge task but they have all been brilliant! Thank you for coming to watch our Christmas shows and our music concert. We have one week left where we will be making Christmas cards, calendars and then popping to the Church on Thursday. We would  love to see everyone at the Church at 10am, or if you are free to walk with us, meet us at the school at 9:40am. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a happy New Year and I am looking forward to seeing the class next year.

WHAT A GREAT ROUND UP! The children have loved our topic about the Great Fire of London. I thought the interactive museum was fantastic and a great way to end the topic. I am so proud that all the children were able to say their fact to all the adults which is not an easy skill. Now we move onto Christmas. Please look at the school website so that you know all the important dates coming up.

Autumn 2 knowledge organiser: Fire Fire!

Autumn 2 Curriculum leaflet: Fire Fire!

What a great half term! I am so proud of everyone in the class. The first half term is often a huge change for children, yet they have all been brilliant with learning the new routines. Thank you parents and carers for all your hard work with reading, doing keywords and the hold a sentence homework. I hope everyone has an amazing half term and a well earned rest. Please read our curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser so that you can find out what we will be learning next half term.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our Bog Baby round up. The children have loved the story and enjoyed creating their own Bog Baby and Bog Baby home. Our last week will focus around Harvest and we will have our Harvest assembly on Wednesday 23rd at 9:15.

We had a great walk around Eling looking for a location to release the Bog Baby back into the wild. We are very lucky where we live and is was enjoyable seeing what features we have in Eling. Our natural features, such as the river and forest, makes Eling a good place to release the Bog Baby.

Autumn 1 - The Bog Baby curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser.

Welcome back!!! What a great start to the new academic year! The children have been brilliant learning the new routines, especially the year 1 children. You should have all received an email regarding our new topic, which is called "The Bog Baby". The curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser will let you know about all our learning this half term and how you can help at home. If you have any concerns, worries or questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the mornings or after school.

In our team, there is Mr McElhenny, the class teacher and two teaching assistants, Miss Mole and Mrs Jones.

Dolphin team