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We are really grateful to be able to work with Youth and Families Matter.  If you are struggling for food please come and speak to us and we can refer you. 



Basics Bank provides emergency food for individuals and families who are struggling. It operates on a voucher system with individuals and families being referred to YFM by other agencies. We currently have over 50 agencies who can make a referral, including schools, GP, Social Services, Health Visitors, Citizens Advice, Probation and Housing.


Food parcels are designed to last five days and include items like tins of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, puddings, pasta, rice, custard, tea, coffee, juice, pasta sauce, cereals, biscuits, baked beans, soup.

Basics Bank is currently open at Testwood Baptist Church 10am-12noon Monday-Friday during term time. Please phone to check at all other times.


Take a look on the NHS website, to find out more information about how to be healthier as a family including recipes and healthy food swaps. 


Or you can download resources from Growing Well.  



