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KS1 (Seals, Seahorses, Dolphins) 2022-2023

We made Happiness Jars as one of our PSHE activities

Well done to Team Eling on our first ever Quad Kids festival! You were all so resilient!

Well done to our Year 1's who did a fabulous job at this years Rackets Festival

Summer 2: Terrific tales - curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser.

Science Experiments


First the children were tasked with recreating each of the Three Little Pig's houses using materials such as lego, sticks and paper straws. Next the children had to recreate the houses again but this time they had to use alternative, edible materials! They had strawberry laces, spaghetti, marshmallows, bread sticks and sugar cubes. These experiments enabled the children to investigate and talk about the properties of materials and their suitability for different purposes.

Thank you to Mrs Miah who shared her expert knowledge on Ramadan and Eid with the children in this weeks assembly! It was lovely to see and share some first hand experiences and items!

Here is the knowledge organiser and curriculum leaflet for our topic 'Megastructures'. Please read to find out what we are learning.

Thank you Jo from the fire service who came in to help us teach us about fire safety. The classes really enjoyed their sessions!

Here is the ILEARN for year 2 parents and carers around the SATs.

What a busy first week back! We have started our new topic with a bit of a problem. We went for a walk after finding lots of rubbish. This has made our class desperate to help our local environment. We will need to think how we will spread the word to help people look after our wonderful world. Well done class!

Our new topic is called Wonderful World. Please read the curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser to find out what we will be learning this half term.

Dodgeball festival! Well done to all the children who participated in the first festival of 2023! You were all brilliant.

Here is the ILEARN around maths at Eling and how you can help at home.

Our new topic is called 'FROZEN PLANET'. Please read our curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser to find out what the children will be learning this half term.

We had a surprise visit from Santa and his elf on Wednesday! It was lovely to see him and tell him we have all been good.

Amazing animals - curriculum leaflet and knowledge organiser - AUTUMN 2

We don't like cricket, we love it!

Thank you very much to Treetop Theatre who came in to perform a twisted version of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children loved being creative and creating a new story ending with you! We can't wait to have you back in!

Well done to the children who represented the school at the football festival at Testwood school. They showed amazing skills throughout the afternoon. Well done!

SCIENCE DOME: We had a fantastic session in the science dome learning all about space. Thank you Jimmy for all your help. The children were fascinated with all the learning about planets, galaxies and so much more. Please ask them all about it!

Autumn 1 knowledge organiser - SPACE

Autumn 1 curriculum leaflet - SPACE

Here is the topic plan for the year 2022-2023.
