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Starfish 2023-2024

THAT IS THE END OF YEAR R! What a year we have had! We can't believe how much the children have grown as learners. They are all ready for year 1 and the next part of their learning journey. Thank you all for your support with their learning at home. These children are really special and are a credit to you. We hope you all have a brilliant summer and a well earned rest. There will be a new folder called 'Seals, Seahorses and Dolphins 2024-2025' which will have information regarding topics and the learning taking place in year 1. There will be information regarding our new topic 'Space' in there soon.



Here is a powerpoint discussing the transition from starfish into KS1 (Dolphins, Seals and Seahorses). Please have a read to see how you can help with the change into year 1.

Here is our curriculum leaflet for our new topic ' Is everywhere the same?'. Please read to find out what we are learning this half term.

That is the end of another half term and what a great half term it has been! We can't believe that next half term is the last half term before they move into year 1. The children continue to amaze us with their growing independence and confidence. We were also amazed on the trip with their behaviour and kindness shown to the other school children. 


Our learning next half term is based around the question 'is everywhere the same?' We will think about our own local area, comparing to areas further away. We will also think about the transition into year 1, so if you have any worries, don't panic. There will be an ILEARN during the half term where we can chat about next year and any worries.


We hope you all have a super break!



Here is the curriculum leaflet for our new topic, 'What does 'alive' mean?' Please have a read to find out what we are learning and how you can help at home.

That is the end of the half term. We have had an amazing time learning about the past. The children looked amazing in their Easter bonnets. We hope you all have a great break over Easter. Please read the curriculum leaflet above to find out what we will be learning next half term.

What a super Easter bonnet parade! It was a shame about the weather but the children still did their parade in school. We hope you all have a lovely Easter!

We had a special assembly from our very own Mrs Miah who spoke to each class about Ramadan. The children loved hearing about how Muslims celebrate Ramadan. Thank you Mrs Mia!

Thank you Praizin hands puppet group who came in to do a show all about Easter. It has started our learning all around Easter! The children loved the show.

BOOK DAY! What a fantastic day! It was brilliant seeing all the children enjoying different books throughout the day, along with hot chocolate and biscuits. Let us make reading a priority every day!

Spring 2 curriculum leaflet - 'Long ago'.

What a super half term we have had! It has been brilliant seeing the children growing as learners. It has also been great seeing them apply the skills they have learnt independently. Thank you parents and carers for all your support at home with their learning. Our next topic is called 'Long ago'. Talk to the children about what the past is. What is their past? We will be thinking about how life was different in the past. Can they also spots signs of spring when you are out and about. 


Have a lovely half term!


From the Starfish team

Happy New Year

We were so happy to see them back at school.

This half term we are thinking about how things work. 

We will think about inventions, materials and designing and building things.


What a super half term we have all had! The starfish team are very proud of all the children this term. It is crazy to think we have had a whole term together already. We have been lucky to have such amazing children in our classes. We hope you all have a great Christmas and a wonderful new year. Please read our curriculum leaflet above to find out about our learning next half term.


Starfish team

Curriculum map - Autumn 2

What a super half term! Starfish have done amazing. We have loved watching you grown as learners. We hope you have a great half term. Please have a read of our curriculum leaflet above which will tell you all about our learning next half term. 

Starfish Curriculum Newsletter Aut 1 2023

We are looking forward to meeting all our new Starfish Friends this week . 

Look out for their first day at school photos on Tapestry and give them a thumbs up!

We are so excited to play and learn together this year.

Please look at the Autumn 1 newsletter. It will tell you about all our learning this half term. 

We are changing how we teach and learn our letter sounds ( phonics) and how we approach reading-more information to come.

Please look out for any I LEARN sessions .They will help you understand more about what and how your child learns at school.

Please see any member of our Starfish Team if you need help or have a question.

Let's make this year fantastic!

