The Children’s Early Intervention Wellbeing Support Service provides much needed support for parents of children and young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs, which can present in a similar way to conditions such as Autistic Spectrum Condition, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attachment Disorder, anxiety and poor emotional wellbeing.
Families identified as experiencing difficulties such as the above can be referred to the Early Intervention Wellbeing Support Service, which will work with parents/carers to identify needs and recommend onward support where appropriate. By providing early, targeted support through a child-centred approach, the service aims to:
Support parents/carers in helping children self-manage and maintain good emotional wellbeing
• Reduce the incidence of inappropriate diagnosis
• Support parents/carers in helping children get the most from their education, regardless of the setting
• Promote a healthy home environment and improve family dynamics
• Promote strong inclusive practice in schools.
A dedicated team of experienced practitioners provide the following services and support for children living in Hampshire:
• Support for parents/carers in evaluating their child’s needs, behaviour and emotional wellbeing
• Strong links with the Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) programmes in relevant areas
• Support for parents/carers in developing a positive home/school relationship, as well as direct work with parents/carers
• Support for families with crisis management and conflict resolution
• Support for parents/carers in securing successful strategies that enable their child to self-regulate their behaviour
• Support for families in developing their strengths, emotional resilience and independence
• Support for families in becoming better engaged with their child’s learning and enabling them to access more of the curriculum.
Access to the service can be made via referrals through GPs, Paediatricians and other health professionals. The service is aimed at children from Year R through to Year 6, regardless of their education status.