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Frequently Asked Questions

We know that when thinking of where to send your child to Nursery you will have lots of questions. If we have not answered it below, please do get in contact.

What should my child bring to nursery?

Your child will need a bag with a change of clothes inside, in case of any toileting accidents or if they get too wet and muddy. They will need nappies and wipes if applicable. They will also need appropriate outdoor clothing and a hat and sun cream in the summer. Please make sure all clothing, footwear and outerwear are clearly named.


What about snacks?

Children are provided with milk or water and a piece of fruit or vegetable along with a breadstick, cracker or rice cake every day as part of the Government's Fruit and Veg and Milk Schemes.


What about lunch time?

If your child is with us between 12 and 12.30 they will need a healthy packed lunch or they can have a hot school lunch. School lunches are ordered and paid for using the online Arbor system by Sunday for the following week. Nutritionally balanced menus are prepared by HC3S, the Hampshire Caterers, and food is prepared freshly onsite by our cook. The menus are available from the school office or online. Medically confirmed special diets can be catered for, please speak to the school office. We are a nut free school.


When can my child have a drink?

Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day.


My child is not toilet trained, can they still come to nursery?

 We can work with you to train your child, when the time is right and ensure that everyone follows the same toilet training plan.


What do I do if my child is unwell or needs to attend a medical appointment?

If your child is unable to attend nursery due to illness or a medical appointment please phone the school office by 9am to let us know. If your child is unwell at nursery, we will make contact using the details you have provided.


Can my child attend nursery if they are taking medication?

If your child takes regular medication, or has been unwell and are talking prescribed medication then this can be administered by us. You will just need to complete a simple form.


Can I go on holiday during term time?

We strongly recommend a consistent routine for children in the nursery and that means attending regularly. Not only does this help the children to learn, but it also helps them (and yourselves) get into a good pattern for when they start school.
