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School Uniform

At Eling we ask children to come to school in school uniform, this helps the children to feel part of the school. 


Main School Uniform

Grey or black skirt, shorts or trousers 

White or red polo shirts

Red jumper or cardigan

Black school shoes (not trainers)

A red and white dress may be worn in the summer


PE Kit

Black shorts or joggers 

Red t-shirt 

Red hoodie

Trainers (velcro if they are unable to tie laces)


Book Bag 

We ask the children to bring a book bag to school and not a rucksack as this helps with storage. 



Your child will also need a coat as we go out in all weathers.


We do not require uniform to have the school logo - plain is fine, and Asda is the closest supplier.  Second hand uniform is available, please ask in the school office. Please donate any second hand school uniform to the school office.

School uniform available from School Kit
