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Art and Design


Every year we hold special Arts days where the children get to put into action all the skills and techniques they have learnt over the year as well as learn even more!  It is a wonderful opportunity for the children to meet different artists and students from the local community as well as  to learn about and be inspired by artists from the past. 


All of the art is then displayed in our school hall or classrooms and we welcome everyone in to see it in our Eling Art Gallery!  Our aim is that every child is inspired to create incredible art that they are really proud of. 


All children at Eling will:

  • explore and experience creative opportunities to develop their artistic knowledge and skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles and sculpture using a range of media and materials
  • be introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of the styles and vocabulary used by both famous artists from the past as well as artists from our local community
  • be reflective and able to evaluate their artwork to help them to think about how they can make changes and keep improving
  • all children will feel that they are creative and have artistic skills and knowledge that they can use and apply.



  • All children will be explicitly taught art knowledge and skills weekly as well as re-visiting and applying their skills through their cross-curricular topics.  For example, creating art in ICT paint programmes, sketching historical artefacts in detail, researching geographical locations to support their work on landscape painting or using art as a medium to express emotion and thought to enhance their personal, social and emotional development.  Many areas of art also link with mathematical ideas of shape and space, for example when printing repeating patterns and designs and thinking about 3D shapes to support structures.
  • Our Art Curriculum will be high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. 
  • Pupils will be clear what the intended outcomes are and have a means to measure and reflect on their own work against this.  Children will be encouraged to take risks, explore and experiment and then reflect on why some techniques and ideas were successful or not for a particular project.



We will measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:  a reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes, art moderation, pupil self-evaluation and pupil conferencing.  There will be a celebration of learning during Arts week creating a whole school collaboration of artistic achievement demonstrating the progression of skills and knowledge across the school.


Art Curriculum


We aim to promote quality learning about The Arts, including Art and Design, through exploration, investigation and experiment from a range of stimuli and starting points, techniques, approaches, materials and media.


We value creativity and believe that a creative curriculum encourages children to be imaginative, innovative individuals with the confidence to try new ideas and be curious and questioning in the world around them.  Every child has equal access to The Arts.


Through Art and Design the children are encouraged to use experiences and ideas as the inspiration for artwork and to share ideas using drawing, painting and sculpture. They are given opportunities to explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Every child is encouraged to represent their thoughts and feelings through art and design activities and to be imaginative and creative.  In key stage 1 the children follow the National Curriculum programme of study.


We will learn about, and discuss the work of well-known artists, artisans and designers from a variety of cultures.   It is hoped that through experiment and critical examination the children become more aware of the importance and value of art in their everyday environment.

  1. To develop ideas and record experiences

  2. To conceive of, present and evaluate ideas

  3. To master techniques

  4. To think critically about works of art

  5. To evaluate and analyse creative works

  6. To learn and use technical vocabulary

  7. To use the past and present as a source of artistic inspiration.


In Reception Year the children follow the Early Learning Framework  in which they work towards early learning goals in Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with Materials).


Expressive arts and design involves enabling children to explore and use a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.  It also provides opportunities and encouragement for sharing their creations, explaining the process they have used.  The children are encouraged to make use of props and materials when role-playing characters in narratives and stories.


Reviewed by Subject Co-ordinator - February 2023

